Section: New Results

A multifractional Hull and White model

Participants : Joachim Lebovits, Jacques Lévy Véhel.

In collaboration with Sylvain Corlay (Paris 6 University).

We have considered the following model, which is an extension of the fractional Hull and White model proposed in [55] : under the risk-neutral measure, the forward price of a risky asset is the solution of the S.D.E.

dF t =F t σ t dW t ,dln(σ t )=θμ-ln(σ t )dt+γ h d B t h +γ σ dW t σ ,σ 0 >0,θ>0,

where B t h is a multifractional Brownian motion with regularity function h, and W t ,W t σ are standard Brownian motions. This SDE is interpgreted in the Wick-Itô sense.

Using functional quantization techniques, it is possible to compute numerically implied forward start volatilities for this model. Using an adequate h function estimated from SP500 data, we have shown that this model is able to reproduce to some extent the volatility surface observed on the market [34] .